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姚清妹:鼹鼠 展览前言 在过去的十年里,姚清妹的创作主要围绕行为艺术与影像展开, 强调着人体的能量与动势。她常常激发并夸大这些身体动作,然后仔细加以观察。不论身处怎样的环境,这些动作往往都源自人类躯体散发的能量。作为在中国的首次美术馆机构个展,艺术家在与人体密切相关的创作道路上更进一步。本次展出的一系列新作体现了虚构与现实的交融,在叙述和沉思之间游走。本次展出的九件具有多样性的影像作品,皆涉及人体与周遭空间的冲突,比如神秘的黑暗,塞满寻常家具的小房间,开放的办公室,甚至是一张床。这种感觉也反映在展览空间里:被切分成小块的空间以超越常识的逻辑相互承接,时而表现出一种恼怒,时而表现出真切的诙谐。作品中的人物依靠各自身体的独特性和自身的活力来克服周遭环境带来的压力。他们好奇地探索着所处环境中最微小的细节与可能性。迷人之处在于,他们依靠自身的独特资源,运用重复性动作和创造性举措之间的辩证关系,来寻找趣味与欢愉。我们也邀请观众以类似的方式沉浸在展览中,去探索它的多面性。

装置 (展览)
20 m x 20 m x 3.8 m

《鼹鼠》是姚清妹设计的一个包含九个嵌套房间的大型迷宫。这一梦境般的迷宫囊括了多件互相关联的影像、雕塑、装置、版画,以及装饰元素。迷宫以《夜》作为序曲,引导观众在一系列寓言式的人物中辗转:困在豪华酒店房间的鼹鼠,普通酒店房间的舞者,在办公室墙壁攀爬的员工,终日躺在床上的“奥博莫罗夫”,以及一个名为“美丽鼠乌托邦”的故事。而这些孤立而沉默的人物形象交错重叠。观众通过锁住的门缝、猫眼和墙壁缝隙窥探, 自己也逐渐被动物化。艺术家错置了房间内外的结构,混淆了私密和公共空间,在虚构与现实的交融中重述了“看与被看”的悖论。



夜, Nuit

Room 3 Observ

观, Observer


触, Toucher


壁虎, Lézard

Room 4 Rub

拭, Frotter

Exhibition view at the West
Bund Museum



鼹鼠, Taupe

Room 2 Walk

行, Marcher



Room 1 Wrap

裹, Draper

Room 5 Flesh

肉, Chair


隔, Barrière

  «Extract from the article «Le corps dans la chambre: entretien avec Yao Qingmei» published in ARTFORUM.

After her solo exhibition «Terrier» in 2021, Yao Qingmei continues to observe closed spaces on human behavior and psychology in her new exhibition «mole». From Kafka’s «cave animals» to «mole-men» losing their motivation to dig in a luxurious room, to lonely dancers in an ordinary hotel, these appropriations and rhetoric recurring in the exhibition metaphorize real social situations. Through the tense bodies and repetitive performances in images, as well as the circular halls and closed paths of the labyrinthine exhibition space, the artist alludes to the confinement of the world and individual confinement. The exhibition is permeated by two ghostly voices: the female voice silently reciting the story of the extinction of laboratory mice refusing to mate in the «Oblomov» room, and the artist’s whispering voice accompanying a striptease performance in the dark, slowly murmuring: «Look at my eyes... Look at my chest... The hips return to the chest... This is my skin...» History and the individual, reality and illusion, memory and dream intertwine closely in this physical space without end or exit... ​

©YAO Qingmei 2013-2024

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